Hello, I am and this is my website where you can find videos (coming soon), my OpenWebRX page, and more. This website is very new (first version made 11/23/24) and I hope to expand it as time goes on. My SDR is currently an RTL-SDR Blog V4, using its stock dipole antenna that is (at this time) most likely roughly tuned to 137 MHz for sattelite passes. I will be upgrading to an SDRplay RSP1B with an all-band discone antenna. I know this will not have great performance in any one band but I am willing to sacrifice single band performance to be able to recieve a lot more bands at a mediocre level. If you came to this website for the OpenWebRX reciever, I hope you enjoy using it. Keep in mind that if the OpenWebRX reciever appears to be down, it may be due to editing to the configuration being done at that moment or the Raspberry Pi and its SDR being moved to a different location. Please do not contact me if it is down.